Pardon me, I was just sitting here thinking about Calista and her plight when I started reminiscing about my own childhood. Back to Calista. From her recent diary entries, it looks like Calista feels that she is ready for a boyfriend. But her parents will not let her date until she is 16. But shouldn't Calista be allowed to make the choice for herself about when she's ready? What do you think? Is Calista too young to have a boyfriend? Is there a difference between dating and having a boyfriend? Please let me know what you think and vote in my poll.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Boy Crazy
When I was in elementary/middle school, this is how we described girls who seemed determined to have a boyfriend or boyfriends: "boy crazy." When a girl decided to eat lunch in the cafeteria with a boy instead of girls, she was boy crazy. When a girl decided to spend recess with a boy instead of girls, she was boy crazy. When a girl was caught writing a boy's name down 117 times in her notebook, she was most definitely boy crazy. By high school, the vast majority of us had succumbed to boy craziness.
Thursday, October 28, 2010
Calista’s Diary Entry – Analyze This

Dear Diary,
I told Big Janet, Briana Joy, and Kana about my conversation with Skipper, and about how I had gone to the park and asked Bob to introduce me to his friend. Kana asked me if Bob had ever tried to hold my hand, and I said "Well, at the Homecoming dance, he took my hand when he escorted me to the dance floor." She said "That doesn't count. Anything since then?" I told her no, and she said "Well then he definitely doesn't think you're his girlfriend."
I was really interested in what they thought about his words "I'll see you later, okay?" I did my best imitation of his voice, and tried to capture his exact facial expression and movements.
Kana: "Maybe he meant that he was going to call you later?"
Me: "No, he didn't call."
Briana Joy: "Maybe he meant he'd see you at school."
Me: "But he always sees me at school, so why would he call out to me just to say that?"
Janet: "Maybe he's madly in love with you and he just wanted to see your face once more before you left."
Me: "Shut up Janet!"
Everyone: *giggles*
We went through several more "maybes" before Briana Joy sighed and asked "Why don't you just ASK HIM to be your boyfriend?" I said "I can't do that!" She asked why not and I told her because he's the boy, so he's supposed to ask. She told me that I'm old fashioned, and that this is the year 2010 and not 1910, and that I should just talk to him instead of trying to guess about how he feels. I told her that she just doesn't understand, but that she will when she's a little older. She didn't like that at all!
As I was about to leave, I told Janet "Oh yeah, Dylan asked about you." Her eyes got big and she said "He did?! What did he say?!" I told her "He said 'Where's Janet?'" Then she wanted to know what I said, and I told her that I just shrugged my shoulders. THEN she wanted to know if he said anything else, and how he looked when he asked about her. Kana said to Janet "You like him, don't you?" Janet said "Who Dylan? No! I just think he's...nice." The big smile on Janet's face made me wonder though.
Wednesday, October 27, 2010
Calista’s Diary Entry – Relationship Guru
Dear Diary,
I was hanging out with Skipper watching The Opal Show and I made the comment that I need to go on Opal and maybe she could help me. Skipper asked me what I need help with, and I told her never mind. She said "Seriously, is it about boys? Because I can help with that. I've had 2 boyfriends!" I thought about it, and Skipper has had more boyfriends than me, Kana, Briana Joy, and Janet put together (umm, we've all had zero) so I decided to ask Skipper's opinion.
I asked "How can I tell if a boy really likes me?" Skipper said "Who Bob? Of COURSE he likes you!" I asked her how I could really be sure, because he seems to be content with remaining just friends. She told me that maybe he already thinks that I'm his girlfriend. I was very confused by this statement, and she explained "Well, with Scott, he ASKED me to be his girlfriend. With Kevin, he just started referring to me as his girlfriend, and he would introduce me that way. That's how I knew."
I just kept thinking about what Skipper said. What if me and Bob have already been a couple, and I never even knew it?
Later I went to the park where Bob was playing ball with some of his friends. I stood there and watched for a while and finally Bob came over and asked me what's up. I told him that I wanted him to introduce me to his new friend. He said "Deon? But he's been at our school for a week now, and he's in some of our classes." I told him that we were never formally introduced. So Bob called Deon over and said "Calista, this is Deon. Deon, this is Calista." Deon stood there with a confused look on his face, and I waved and said hello. He said "Hi" and just stood there, and then there was a horrible awkward silence. I said "Well I have to go. Bye!" and I walked away FAST. Bob called my name and I looked over my shoulder and he said "I'll see you later, ok?" I said "Ok." Dylan asked me where was my friend Janet and I just shrugged my shoulders and kept walking.
So now I know for sure that Bob doesn't think I'm his girlfriend. Or does he? I don't know. I'm even more confused than ever now, and I feel a bit silly.
Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Finally, Momoko
I have been wanting to add a tan Momoko doll to my collection for a while now. I finally got my chance when fellow collector and doll friend D7ana put this Momoko up for sale. This is Wild Sexy Tune Momoko and I am so excited to have her!

Here entire outfit is really cute. I especially love her beads.
Dana I am so glad that I was able to purchase Momoko from you. I couldn't have asked for a better buying experience. She is now a treasured part of my collection. Thank you!
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Saturday, October 23, 2010
Opal Has Changed
I got an articulated female figure body from eBay and Opal is the closest color match. I had mixed feelings about switching Opal's head to the new body because I like Opals old body and the fact that she's thicker than other dolls. But articulation wins! So here's the new Opal:
Opal's original dress and panties fit the new figure. Her shoes are slightly too small (but she's working them anyway).
She is so much fun to pose.

Luckily, I managed to get Opal's head off without ruining her old body, so if I want to switch her back at some point, I can. I did not make any permanent modifications in order to get her head to fit her new body.
Comparisons to Opal
My Opal has undergone some changes recently, so I've decided to post these comparison photos that I took well over a year ago.

L to R - Otaku Tan, Monsieur Z Wild from Integrity Toys, Opal, Barbie's friend Kayla with belly-button body, and AA Perfect Body.

Here are more comparisons. L to R - Fashion Royalty Adele, Barbie with Model Muse body, Opal, Barbie with twist 'n turn waist, and Janay from Integrity Toys.

Friday, October 22, 2010
Julian's First Day
Julian was so excited about his first day at his new school that he asked his new friend Todd to show him around before classes started. Todd agreed and brought some friends along to help. Todd got a little carried away and even pretended to be the teacher for a while.
Todd even logged on to the classroom computer. He just really wanted his new friend to be well prepared and to know what to expect.
After the tour, the boys posed for a photo.
Some girls have arrived and want to pose for a picture as well. Julian has plenty of new friends in his new school.

Thursday, October 21, 2010
Calista’s Diary Entry – Couples
Dear Diary,
It seems like new couples are springing up every day.
I just keep wondering when it's going to be my turn (to be part of a couple).
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
Lil' Penny Gets a Shave
Lil' Penny had not been his usual wisecracking self. He struggled with finding his place in my collection. He felt as if he didn't really belong anywhere. He is much smaller than the 1/6 adult figures, but larger than my mini adult figures. Indeed, he is the size of a 1/6 scale child. There was only one problem:
Tuesday, October 5, 2010
Let's Hear it for the Boys!
The boys decided to pose for photos.
Todd and Little Dylan are newly deboxed and ready to play! Todd is especially happy since he spent a number of years in the box.
Ok, some of my "boys" are experiencing a second childhood. :) They are not really boys, but their short stature makes them suitable fill-ins.

Bob and Dave in uniform.
AA Todd,
action figure,
Bob Scout,
Bradley McIntosh,
Bratz Boyz,
Dave Cub Scout,
My Scene,
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Calista’s Diary Entry – Nightmare

Dear Diary,
Last night I had a nightmare that I was replaced. I mean, it was me - looked just like me and everything, but it wasn't ME. My replacement fooled everyone. NOBODY could tell the difference, not even my mom and dad! She was convincing. She knew everything that I know. But she was just too perfect! She didn't even have any scars, as if she had never even lived before. It was just like the movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers. That dream gave me a very uneasy feeling and I haven't been able to shake it all day. **shudders**
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Calista’s Diary Entry – Road Trip
Dear Diary,
I went on a road trip with my family to Mississippi. It took us 12 hours to drive there, but it was fun. I got to eat junk food in the car for once. I had chips and corn dogs. I brought a book to read and I was texting with my friends, so the ride really didn't seem that long.
My favorite part of the trip was going to the beach in Gulfport.

The house where we stayed is in the National Register of Historic Places. We learned all about the history of the house and about the history of the local community. The house is filled with antique furniture.
The furniture below belonged to a girl named Addy. We were told that the reason why this house contains Addy's furniture is because Addy was freed from slavery in 1864, which is the same year that the house was built.

African American,
Kelly clone,
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Not-So-Plain Janes
I attempted to help my GI Janes find their inner girly-girls. Did I completely fail? You be the judge.

action figure,
GI Jane,
GI Joe,
Helicopter Pilot,
Vietnam Nurse
Monday, September 6, 2010
Calista’s Diary Entry – Pool Party
Dear Diary,
Today is Labor Day and Skipper invited a bunch of us over to her house for a pool party.
Her pool isn't very big at all so there wasn't really enough room to actually swim, but it was still fun to get in and splash around on this hot day.

Skipper didn't even swim. She said that her swimsuit was too cute to get it wet (I don't understand that one) and she also didn't want to get her hair wet. Kana said she wasn't going to swim at first.
We haven't seen each other much all summer, so it was nice to catch up. He said that we would probably have a lot of classes together again this year just like last year, and he wants us to try to sit next to each other in our classes. I told him that if he gets to class first, I'll try to find a seat next to him, and he said that he will do the same. I'm really looking forward to the first day of school tomorrow! :)
Saturday, September 4, 2010
Dragon Jennifer
I searched for over a year before I was able to purchase my Dragon Jennifer action figure (101st Airborne Division *Special Version*). I knew that she would be a great addition to my collection and would fit well with my other female action figures. I had seen pictures of her, so I knew that she wasn't exactly a beauty queen. But I wanted her anyway. And the more I searched and the harder she was to find, the more I wanted her.
I don't understand the shading on her face. It reminds me of the ghoulish make-up that Michael Jackson wore for his Thriller video dance scene. She will get a repaint one day. Oh it's okay, I have 2. I was so excited to find her that I decided to get 2, and 1 has never been removed from the box and will remain that way.
She came with guns and knives and stuff, but I don't care about any of that. I wanted to know if she could fit Barbie clothes. Well, she can, but she's not exactly cut out for Barbie fashions.
Nonetheless, I was determined to find a more glamorous look for her.
I failed.
She has molded hair, which I hate on female dolls. But she comes with detachable hair - both a ponytail and a bun. In the picture above, she is wearing LIV doll Alexis' wig, which is way too big.
I really like her articulation and she is fun to pose. I think that her face has a lot of potential with the right repaint.
Saturday, August 28, 2010
Man Hands
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