
Saturday, April 14, 2012

Becoming Rather Handy

Today I made some modifications to Denzel and Tariq so that their hands would fit better

Denzel is on a Toyfare Final Fantasy Ryan Whittaker body and he's using Hot Toys hands.  The wrist pegs for the hands are too loose for this body.  I didn't want to make any permanent modifications, so I did some brainstorming.  I ended up taking some of the clear plastic bands that secure dolls to the inside of their boxes, and I wrapped them around the wrist pegs.  Now the hands fit, and I can remove the hands and use them for another figure in the future if I need to.

Tariq is on a Blue Box body, and I don't even know what kind of hands he's using.  GI Joe perhaps?  All I know is that the wrist pins were too long and too wide for this body.  I didn't mind making permanent modifications to this one, because I think that these hands are going to stay with this body for good.  I used an exacto knife to carve away part of the wrist pin, and I cut the ends off with a kitchen knife.  It's not pretty, but it works.

Now these guys are ready for action!


  1. I left a message on FB asking who the guy on the left is. Never mind. LOL! This is my first time seeing an actual Denzel figure. He's nice. Doesn't look like Denzel to me, but he's a handsome guy. I just got the title. LOL!

  2. Thank you, Vanessa! I picked up this Denzel head on eBay a while back. He slightly resembles the real Denzel to me.

  3. Amazing! You got the boots off the Ryan Whittaker figure? May I ask how?

    Oh and your guys look great ;-)

    1. Thanks Dana! Ryan Whittaker was a gift and his boots were removed prior to me receiving him. I have no idea how the boots were removed, but I'll ask.

    2. Dana, here is the info that I received regarding removing Ryan's boots:

      "If I remember correctly I slipped a letter opener in the thigh and worked it around the perimeter. I let it sit in so hot tap water for about five mins and pull them right off. The pants are screwed on at the sides under the boots (you'll see what i mean when you remove the boots. If you are still having trouble then slice a thin line into the boot on the back center where the indentation is."

    3. Thanks, Roxanne! I am going to find Ryan and get those boots off. Yoo hoo! Ryan ....

  4. Thanks for sharing these two work arounds.

    I was going to ask where you purchased Denzel, but you already answered that. I didn't know a Denzel head/figure existed until I saw yours. He resembles a young Denzel to me. I need/WANT one.


    1. Thanks for posting, Debbie. If I happen to see this head for sale, I will be sure to let you know!

  5. I like the articulate Tariq and Denzel.

  6. Hello from Spain: did not know the doll with the face of actor Denzel. It's a beautiful figure. I like clothes they wear. The blue pullover is beautiful. Congratulations to change hands as well. They are better now. Keep in touch.

  7. Thanks Marta! The blue pullover comes from a Ken fashion pack.
